There is no commonly accepted or internationally agreed definition of green technology. The term can be broadly defined as technology that has the potential to significantly improve environmental performance relative to other technology.
It is related to the term “environmentally sound technology”, which was adopted under the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Agenda 21, although it is no longer widely used.
Based on Agenda 21, environmentally sound technologies are geared to “protect the environment, are less polluting, use all resources in a more sustainable manner, recycle more of their wastes and products, and handle residual wastes in a more acceptable manner than the technologies for which they were substituted.”
Other related terms for green technology include: climate-smart, climate-friendly and low-carbon technology.
In terms of pollution, green technology includes both process and product technologies that generate low or no waste and increase resource- and energy-efficiency. They also cover "end-of-the-pipe" technologies for treating pollution.
Green technology does not only mean individual technologies but also systems, including know-how, procedures, goods and services and equipment, as well as organizational and managerial procedures.
Green technology covers a broad area of production and consumption technologies. The adoption and use of green technologies involves the use of environmental technologies for monitoring and assessment, pollution prevention and control, and remediation and restoration.
Monitoring and assessment technologies are used to measure and track the condition of the environment, including the release of natural or anthropogenic materials of a harmful nature.
Prevention technologies avoid the production of environmentally hazardous substances or alter human activities in ways that minimize damage to the environment; it encompasses product substitution or the redesign of an entire production process rather than using new pieces of equipment.
Control technologies render hazardous substances harmless before they enter the environment. Remediation and restoration technologies embody methods designed to improve the condition of ecosystems, degraded through naturally induced or anthropogenic effects.
Strengths from adopting green technology
- Ability to meet strict product specifications in foreign markets: Manufacturers in developing countries typically need to meet stricter environmental requirements and specifications to export their products to industrialized countries than vice versa. The adoption of green technologies can help exporting companies to gain advantage and market share over competitors.
- Reduction of input costs: Green technology can improve production efficiency through the reduction of input costs, energy costs and operating and maintenance costs, which can improve a company’s competitive position.
- Environmental image: Adopting green technology can improve a company’s environmental reputation, which is crucial if other competitors and consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious.
- Ability to meet stricter environmental regulations in the future: Companies that invest in green technology are more likely to be better equipped and ready for stricter environmental regulations as well as product specifications that are expected to be imposed on them in the future.
Challenges to green technology adoption
Generally, green technology is more expensive than the technology it aims to replace, because it accounts for the environmental costs that are externalized in many conventional production processes.
Because it is relatively new, the associated development and training costs can make it even more costly in comparison with established technologies. The perceived benefits are also dependant on other factors such as supporting infrastructure, technology readiness, human resources capabilities and geographic elements. Hence, what could be a feasible green technology in one country or region may not be in another.
Adoption and circulation of these technologies can be constrained by a number of other barriers. Some may be institutional, such as the lack of an appropriate regulatory framework; others may be technological, financial, political, cultural or legal in nature.
From a company’s perspective, the following are likely barriers to adopting green technologies:
- High implementing costs
- Lack of information
- No known alternative chemical or raw material inputs
- No known alternative process technology
- Uncertainty about performance impacts
- Lack of human resources and skills.
Overcoming these barriers is a complex process because it can involve a large number of parties, ranging from government, private sector, and NGOs to financial, research and educational institutions.
Promoting green growth requires identifying and removing these barriers that hinder the large-scale dissemination of clean technology to developing countries, especially to those countries with special needs, such as least developed countries and small island developing states.
The table below highlights motivating and influencing factors for adopting new technologies from the viewpoint of various parties.
Fuel cells
Fuel cells convert the chemical energy contained in hydrogen to electricity and heat using an electrochemical process. Inside a fuel cell, hydrogen electrochemically merges with oxygen to create electricity, resulting in water and potentially useful heat as by-products.
There are many types of fuel cells, though in general, they all share the same basic configuration, featuring two electrodes sandwiched around an electrolyte. The types of fuel cells are categorized by the electrolyte substance.
Power produced by a fuel cell depends on the fuel cell type, size, operating temperature and the gas supplied. Hydrogen is the most optimal fuel for use in fuel cells. However, other hydrogen-rich fuel sources, such as biogas from waste treatment and natural gas, which are rich in methane, can also be used as fuel.
Fuel cells can be used for backup power, power for remote locations, distributed power generation and combined heat and power applications. To sustain electricity generation, though, the fuel needs to be supplied continuously; thus a reliable supply of gas or a bulk storage system is needed.
Because fuel cells do not use combustion, emissions are much lower, and conversion efficiency is higher than with conventional thermal power generation. A typical conventional combustion-based power plant has around 33–35 per cent efficiency, while fuel cell systems can generate electricity at efficiencies up to 60 per cent.
The two main barriers to the commercializing of fuel cells are cost and durability. Material and manufacturing costs for fuel cells are high compared to traditional combustion systems, and fuel cells have demonstrated the system reliability and durability to compete with existing technologies.
Energy storage
Energy can be used more efficiently through the addition of short- and long-term energy storage, both on and off the grid. Thermal and electrical energy storage systems enable more efficient power generation by balancing fluctuating energy supply and demand.
Thermal energy storage can also be used to reduce electricity consumption by increasing the efficiency of heating and cooling systems, while an electrical storage system can supply excess electricity, which is generated during periods of low consumption, to meet peak power demand.
Depending on the technology, energy can be stored as electrical, chemical, thermal or mechanical energy. Not all technologies are suitable for every application, however, mainly due to power output and storage capacity limitations.
Identifying a suitable storage technology depends on several factors, such as storage capacity, charging and discharging power, efficiency, storage period, storage cycle and cost.
“Grid energy storage” (also large-scale or utility-scale storage) refers to a grid-connected energy storage system. A high penetration of renewable energy sources will require major alterations to a power system’s operation.
Electricity from renewable energy sources (specifically wind and solar) are intermittent, which can lead to system instability and a mismatch in supply and demand. Thus, energy storage is essential to increase the penetration of renewable energy power generation as well as for the overall energy efficiency in the power generation sector.
The commercial readiness of energy storage varies according to the technology and application. Pumped storage is the most widespread system in use on power networks, representing about 3 per cent of the global generating capacity.
Other storage technologies include compressed air energy storage (CAES), flywheels, lead-acid batteries, sodium sulphur batteries and capacitor systems. 23 Battery storage methods are suitable for small-scale applications, such as battery-backup systems for solar panel homes.
Smart grids
Smart grid technology consists of multiple components and systems. A smart grid basically describes the existing grid enriched by new networks of sensing, communication and control technologies. These networks are linked by universal standards and protocols that are constantly added and updated.
The grid becomes “smarter” through the deployment of communication and control devices and through the integration of complex optimizing software enabled by advances in information technology. In simpler terms, a smart grid is made up of a series of smart devices connected over a network to computers that use the data provided by the devices to optimize the system.
On the supply side, smart grids enable a high penetration of renewable energy sources through enhanced control of the fluctuations in the power supply. The supply of many renewable resources is intermittent, so utility services normally have a hard time integrating them into the system.
What smart grid technology offers, is a system that can virtually go out and see what resources are available and dispatch them to the consumers. On the demand side, the deployment of a smart meter and smart appliances lets system operators as well as con- sumers know when demand for electricity is outstripping supply and thus curtails the use of electricity.
Smart grid technology is not yet commercially viable because the standards and protocols for the system integration are still under development. There are several smart grid pilot projects around the world.
The biggest barrier to smart grid application may be the costs, as it will be expensive to implement smart grid technologies because old equipment and transmission infrastructure will need to be replaced and upgraded.
Joshua Mosshart