Tuesday, April 10, 2018


First, the perforated zones and bedrock area is cleaned from clogging sediments by Pulsing Hydro-Vibration Generator, moved into perforated zones and applying the oscillating hydro wave pressure into perforated zones. 
Exact location of perforated zones is located by electro-magnetic locator. 
Next, the solid propellant charge (modified missile fuel) with very high energy density in special steel cylinder is placed into perforated zone. 
The oxidizing component ignites propellant, creating hot gas wave (500 degree Celsius, 50 MPA pressure), hitting the holes of perforated zone and bedrock around perforated zone. 
It creates the far penetrating acids (around 15% concentration) into bedrock around the well, resulting in oil’s partial pyrolisis and melting asfaltens, parafins, tars, separating oils from surface of bedrock particles in pores, micro gaps, capillary micro channels. 
The oil viscosity is decreased by 20% - 30%, oil liquidity and API increases
The whole slow burning process takes around 20 minutes.
Next, Thermo-Gas Generator is placed into perforated zone, creating the chemical reaction for 2 –3 minutes. 
The hot gas wave (over 500 degree Celsius, over 350 MPA pressure) hits the perforated zone and bedrock around the well. Hot gases penetrate the bedrock around the well up to 1500 feet distance, creating in bedrock more additional pores, micro gaps, capillary micro channels, melting heavy hydrocarbons, separating oils from surface of bedrock particles in pores, micro gaps, capillary micro channels. Viscosity decreases more, oil liquidity and API increases more. 
Maximal amount of water per well’s EOR treatment for deepest wells is below 40 cubic meters, recycled back to well’s head and washing out of well the clogging materials. 
The major thermodynamic potential of compounds is realized in ambient reservoir outside the well’s productive formation, producing the myriads of micro gaps in bedrock formation around the well, immensely increasing the porosity and permeability of bedrock formation around well. 
This unique technology is applied to wells up to 4 miles deep and stimulates the oil and gas deposits as far as 1,700 feet around well’s pipe to recover up to 85% - 90% of hydrocarbons left in capped and low productivity wells, increasing well’s productivity many times and extending the productive life of well for years. 

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