Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Modern Oil & Gas Exploration Techniques-Joshua Mosshart

Today, powerful computers and other advanced technologies support the science behind exploration. Over the years, the physical and chemical properties of oil have become better understood. Few realize that crude oil has radioactive and magnetic properties. It is these properties which are detectable with the right technological applications. 
There are a variety of ways geologists and geophysicists can evaluate a given area of land to determine the likelihood and magnitude of oil or other hydrocarbons being present. This include magnetic, gravimetric, seismic (2D,3D & 4D), and radiometric analyses. 


Magnetic surveys gather data from specialized sensors that measure the relative magnetic field strength caused by minerals in the Earth's upper crust. The Earth's magnetic field is directly influenced by its geological faults, lineaments and fracture systems, along with magnetic anomalies. 
Magnetic anomalies are usually indicative of possible deposits.
These surveys are typically conducted by airplanes or satellites as they can cover large amounts of Land in one pass. One of the problems with magnetic surveys is that they often cannot determine the depth at which a potential formation may exist.


The measurement of an object's gravitational field is unique throughout nature. Gravimetric surveys analyze the slight changes in density of subsurface rock which has proven useful when determining the presence of a fluid, such as oil. 
Like magnetics, these surveys often lack the 3-dimentional ability of showing a target's associated depths. 


Otherwise known as gamma-ray spectrometry, radiometric analysis is an effective geological mapping technique if combined with surrounding production and previous well samples analyses. Radiometrics can be a cost-effective way to determine whether a prospective formation is continuous or isolated. 
Radionetrics refers to the measure of decaying atomic particles, particularly gamma radiation, emitted from various types of matter, including the earth's crust. Radiometric technology relies on 3 elements that are present in gamma radiation: thorium (Th), potassium (K), and uranium (U). 
In terms of radiometric analysis, potassium is a positive sign for finding oil reservoirs. Since we believe hydrocarbons are created from previous plan and animal lifeforms, we can look at how this element is required for metabolic processes for modern plants and animals. 
Without potassium there would be no plants or animals on our planet. 
Plants today use potassium to build cellulose walls along with the formation of chlorophyll, a precursor for photosynthesis. We see high levels of thorium (Th) and potassium (K) elements in crude oil. 


The principles behind seismology are based on the known interactions of sound waves through different layers. Sound waves tend to reflect or refract when encountering materials with different acoustic properties. This tends to happen at points of distinct density changes between formations.
Seismic analysis is conducted by sending a signal through the ground and then waiting for it to bounce back to be detected by geophones. Computers then analyze the collected data to create an estimate of how the formation might be shaped. 
Recording time in seismic studies is critical to determine the depth of a possible formation. There are mathematical formulations involving the traveling sound wave's velocity, time, and distance used to calculate the actual depth of the target. 
The simplest for of seismic analysis is 2D seismic, uses techniques and methods described above. 3D seismic involves the use of super computers to arrange multiple sets of 2D data to provide 3-dimentional images of the target. 
4D seismic is now possible by conducting 3D surveys over time and combining the resulting data throughout the production phase of a well. 4D seismic is used analyze how efficiently hydrocarbons are being extracted from a reservoir. 
These surveys help formulate a rough estimate of probable costs necessary to compile an Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) for equipment, such as drilling rigs and pipe. Reserve estimates can be hypothesized to calculate Return on Investment (ROI) which should be used to justify the expenses of further exploration and production. 

Satelite Aerial

These technologies are capable of remote survey and exploration. Satellite Aerial surveys provide a very high resolution imaging photos of the Earth surface, scanned by highly focused beam in infrared spectrum. 
Utilizing a library of minerals reference plates with unique mineral signatures; by recording responses of each mineral under survey to scanning by highly focused RF pulsing beam we are now able to extract the geophysical structure by three survey stages up to 7000 meters deep from the Earthsurface under survey.
The satellite photos are processed in a nuclear test reactor under Magnetic Nuclear Resonance conditions plus specific chemical processing to bring up the geophysical information hidden in analog satellite imaging. 
Aerial scanning and recording of magnetic field local variations above the survey surface by highly focused RF pulsing beam will give you exact pinpointing of minerals contouring and drilling points. 
This application uses the Earth magnet field as a constant reference in aerial scanning and recording the Local Variations of magnetic field above the surface under surveillance.
Dimensional Localization of specific minerals is done by applying the specific RF pulsing spectrum to magnet field above the surface under surveillance.The resonant response of minerals under scanning is the basic information for more processing to obtain more exact 3 D localization and specifics of mineral deposits.
These surveys help formulate a rough estimate of probable costs necessary to compile an Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) for equipment, such as drilling rigs and pipe. Reserve estimates can be hypothesized to calculate Return on Investment (ROI) which should be used to justify the expenses of further exploration and production. 
Utilizing these technologies mitigates the risk of investing in ventures with tremendous profit potential.

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